Tommy & Kali

The Basin at Franconia Notch State Park

Eroding over the course of 25,000 years as the North American ice sheet was melting is this granite pothole of swirling water 30 feet in diameter and 15 feet deep.

Don’t fall in!

Located in New Hampshire…

is “One of the beautiful haunts of Nature, a luxurious and delicious bath fit for the ablutions of a goddess”.

At least according the great American naturalist, Henry David Thoreau!

The Basin

Is this The Basin??

Alright, no… but we’re getting there!

The short hiking loop is buried in snow this time of year, but that doesn’t stop hundreds… thousands? (we’re just making up these numbers) of hikers from trampling the snow into a densely packed slip-fest!

It’s no problem taking our time traversing the slick snow; many waterfalls along the path keep our interests peaked.

The roar of water is constant and relentless.

Before long, we’re here.
The Basin!

The best way to describe it is as a giant swirling toilet (keep in mind we’re not poets).

Placed benches offer a spot to relax… as long as you have no legs!

Closing The Loop

The entire trail forms a loop beginning and ending at the parking lot and returning presents its own pearls!

Here are a few last glimpses we’re able to capture as we head out!

Thanks for joining us!!

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