Tommy & Kali

New River Gorge Bridge

This bridge has a very unique distinction, and that is it’s the longest steel arch bridge in the United States!!

Thanks to a tour guide at the Beckley Coal Mine Exhibition for brining this bridge to our attention!

Exposing The Bridge

It doesn’t look too impressive when driving across it.
In fact, you might not even realize what it is you’re driving on!

Getting to the underside we can see how impressive this thing really is.

At 3,030 feet long, this steel arch bridge is the longest in the nation, and except for three newer bridges in China, the longest in the world!

Every year on the 3rd Saturday of October isBridge Day” and the anniversary of the bridge being commissioned.

On Bridge Day thousands of people come to walk, and legally base jump from the bridge.

The design and construction of this bridge in 1974 is quite an engineering feat!

Getting down to the perfect vantage is easy thanks to the freshly built stairway and deck!

Getting up however…

That’s a workout!

Notable Mentions

Cruising into West Virginia last night we spot the state capitol building!

At 292 feet, this has the distinction of being the tallest building in West Virginia

West Virginia… “Wild and Wonderful!”

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