Alpine Coaster Take 2….

The 2nd longest Alpine Coaster in the United States!!

We attempted the longest alpine coaster in Colorado, but it didn’t work out so well for us.

Maybe riding the 2nd longest coaster will give us what we’re craving!


Short But Sweet

Like most things in life (at least recently for us), the coaster is packed with people waiting in line!


While waiting, we do get to check out others doing what we’re longing for.


At 5,400 feet, this coaster is the 2nd longest mountain coaster in North America!


We’re not allowed to take any “lose items” with us on the ride… so we have to sneak a picture!


Overall our ride is… okay.
Or maybe we can upgrade it to pretty sweet…

It’s just hard to get over the awesomeness of the Alpine Coasters in the Austrian Alps. The last coaster we rode was over 7,200 feet! That’s more that twice as long!

Also… this coaster counts the slow incline as part of its track. This leaves only a 3,900 foot drop.

The coaster in Salzburg is all downhill!
Guess we’ll have to make another trip to Europe!

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