Jordan – Wadi Mujib

Wadi Mujib: The Grand Canyon of Jordan!

So incase you’ve never heard of The Narrows hike in Zion National Park: Learn about it here! 

The hike is exciting to us because we plan to (hopefully soon!) visit Zion and hike through the water cut canyon ourselves.

But… what does this have to do with Jordan? Well, let me tell you!

Wadi Mujib is what!


Wadi Mujib is known as ‘The Grand Canyon of Jordan’ and is essentially a 43 mile chasm stretching from the Desert Highway to the Dead Sea.

We’re currently at the Dead sea and setting up to hike a very small portion of the canyon.

First step is to get our life jackets situated… safety first everyone!


The hike begins right at the canyon entrance.

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We start by descending a ladder into a pool of water.

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Depending on the season, the water is sometimes deep enough to jump right in!

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The water temperature is very comfortable!
Once we’re in, we’re ready to roll!!

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The rock is absolutely beautiful! …and these photos just can’t do it justice.

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It’s our first time using our Yi 4K Action Camera w/ waterproof case, and we haven’t had any opportunity to configure it.

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We continue hiking the river, encountering various obstacles along the way.

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Some of the water pools are deeper than others…

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… and if you hold still for any time at all, you’ll get some teeny tiny visitors!

It’s hard to see, but those dark spots are tiny little fish… eating away dead skin from our legs as we stand there! 😲 🐟

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Some of the obstacles are more challenging that others



Some are more dangerous than others!!!


But we push past them, climbing waterfalls…




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All while keeping in style!


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Eventually we reach what’s the end of the trail for us!!

There was a partial collapse a while ago, forcing this to be the trail end.
It’s still possible to climb further, and up the waterfall, but climbing gear and rope is required.


The base of the falls created a small pool, and a couple rocks form a water funnel.

The result?

Small nooks exist behind the falls to find some shelter from the thunderous roar of the water.

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Or you could not to escape it at all!

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After spending some time enjoying the falls, we return the way we came in.

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The entire hike is only a little over a mile, but with obstacles and the constant upstream battle it takes a couple hours to complete comfortably.

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Thanks for joining us!

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